ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT _________________________________, referred to as ENGINEER, and __________, referred to as STATION, agree: ENGINEER shall perform the following services for STATION: ______________________________________________________ The ENGINEER shall be paid a flat fee of $ ( & no/100 dollars) for the services described herein, plus parts. Hours in excess of daily, or after _____________ or before ___________, shall be compensated at a rate of ___________ per cent of the regular rate. Payment shall be due as follows: _______________________________________________________ Interest at the rate of _________ per cent shall be due per month which any invoice is outstanding beyond the terms stated herein. The ENGINEER warranties that work performed shall meet Federal Communications Commission regulations and shall constitute good workmanship. ***NO WARRANTY is provided on parts, except for any warranty which may be provided by the manufacturer or distributor of the product.*** STATION grants to ENGINEER a mechanic's lien upon any and all equipment or other tangible goods entrusted to ENGINEER to secure the prompt payment of all sums due from the STATION to the ENGINEER. In addition, ENGINEER is granted a security interest in any equipment which charges related to the installation, sale, repair or maintenance of the same are due until the same are paid. In the event of a failure to pay when due, and upon fifteen (15) days written notice of an intention to do so, which the parties agree shall be considered reasonable notice, ENGINEER may offer for public or prior sale equipment subject to the lien granted herein. In the event that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to pay the sums due, then the STATION shall be responsible to ENGINEER for any deficiency balance. STATION appoints ENGINEER as its attorney in fact to execute a financing statement or other notices or documents necessary or deemed necessary by STATION to perfect its lien provided for herein. STATION agrees to pay all costs of collection and reasonable attorneys fees incurred by ENGINEER in the collection of sums due hereunder. Any disputes related to or arising out of this agreement shall be resolved by binding arbitration, before a single arbiter, under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Dated: __________________________ ______________________________________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________________________________ __________